Come Together 2019 Event Video 第八届一起来慈善音乐会活动视频

We’re happy to announce Come Together 2019 raised a total of RMB 425,043.11 (USD 60,531.93). Our best result ever! Thank you to all involved, please watch this incredible video Alex made and share it everywhere. 我们很高兴地宣布,“2019年一起来慈善音乐会”共筹得善款人民币425,043.11元(60,531.93美元)。我们最好的成绩!感谢所有参与的人,请观看这个令人激动万分的视频,并分享给其他人。 如您无法打开以上视频,请点击下方腾讯视频链接观看。 If you are unable to watch the above video please click the Tencent video link below: