ZAS Skating Project Visit Saturday 13th January 2018
CTC intern Kim, visited two projects on Saturday 13th January 2018. One is the Skating class, which is funded by Come Together Community and organised by Zhuhai Autism Society (ZAS). The class caters for 20-25 children each week, with three instructors on hand to help teach and guide them through the session. 2018年1月13日 周六, CTC实习生Kim访问了两个项目。其中一个是轮滑班,该项目由CTC资助、并由珠海自闭症协会(ZAS)组织。每周有20-25个孩子参加这个班,有3个老师在场帮助和指导他们。 The […]
世界自闭症日 World Autism Awareness Day
World Autism Awareness Day 世界自闭症日 In support of World Autism Awareness Day, April 2nd, 2019 our CTC logo is changing blue for the entire World Autism Month of April. Join us in increasing global understanding and acceptance of people with autism. 为了支持2019年4月2日的世界自闭症日,我们的CTC的标志将为整个4月份的世界自闭症月更换为蓝色。请加入我们,增进全球对自闭症患者的理解和接受。 Special Needs in China 中国的特殊需求群体 CTC is pleased to support children in financial […]
LJL Parent Support/Home Visit Project Visit Saturday 13 January 2018 2018年1月13日星期六 蓝精灵家长支持/家庭拜访项目 珠海市蓝晶灵融合教育支持中心-Lanjing Ling
CTC intern Kim was busy once again, visiting one of the fantastic projects funded by CTC. This time it was the Parent Support class, which is run by Lanjing Ling (LJL). This class is aimed to help parents improve their care of autistic children and improve the professional level of parents and family members with […]
Project Visit: LJL Social Class
珠海市蓝晶灵融合教育支持中心 班级访问 : Lanjing Ling Class Visit CTC intern Kim visited the Social Class on Sunday 31st December 2017. The class is funded by Come Together Community (CTC) and run by Lanjing Ling (LJL). LJL is an organisation dedicated to helping children with autism learn and develop key skills in a holistic and safe environment. They teach […]