25 November 2016-The 5th Come Together Charity Music Festival

Come Together

All donations have been received, all expenses have been paid, and the numbers for the 5th edition of the Come Together Charity Music Festival are finally in!


The 5th edition of CTC’s annual Charity Music festival was held on Saturday 12th of November at Beishan Theatre in Zhuhai, with a turnout of 1450 people. In 2015, CTC was able to raise RMB 300,000 for its local charities solely thanks to the 2015 event. This year, we have beaten that figure, raising a total of RMB 336,235.32.


Total Raised: RMB 336,235.32 (USD 49,000)


We are so delighted with the number of people who have volunteered and donated both their time and money this year, and we are extremely thankful to everyone that has helped in any way to make this event a huge success. Come Together has managed to maintain its trend of yearly growth, being in its 5th edition the largest it has ever been. A big thank you goes to the organisers, the bands, and the many volunteers that have given their valuable time to make this day possible.


A special thanks also goes out to all our sponsors, particularly to our Diamond sponsor Bruegmann Asia and Platinum Sponsors Profilex, Bowers&Wilkins, Bosch, and TDK.

也衷心的感谢所有赞助商,尤其是我们的钻石级赞助商柏赛塑胶科技(珠海保税区)有限公司和铂金级赞助商波菲丽斯塑胶科技(珠海保税区)有限公司、宝华韦健贸易(珠海)有限公司、博世(珠海)安保系统有限公司捐款和、爱普科斯电阻电容(珠海)有限公司 / 爱普科斯电子元器件(珠海保税区)有限公司。

The cash from the donation boxes was counted by CTC founder Mark Clayton, along with the staff from C2W under the supervision of CPAZ, and the Huarun Bank manager.

所有捐赠箱钱数的清点都在爱心会以及华润银行经理的监督下,由CTC创始人Mark Clayton和珠海中西电子有限公司的员工进行。

Below are the full accounting documents for the event showing the sponsors, the income, and all the expenses. No admin fees or service expenses are taken by the organisers, and everything is completely transparent. If you would like to know more, please email info@ctcommunity.org.