Come Together
Friday 15th of November marked an incredible day as CPAZ (The Charity Promotion Association of Zhuhai) was joined by 4 CTC board members and their interns on a visit to Pingsha Experimental Primary School of Pingsha Town in Doumen district, Zhuhai. The team had the opportunity to meet representatives of the schools and a handful of the 64 students that received gift packs and 1500 RMB cash per student. These donations were only possible thanks to the money raised by CTC’s great organisers, sponsors and the entire community throughout the year.
After experiencing the children’s day-to-day routine on our visit of the school grounds, we were greeted in the main hall with endless smiles by one of Pingsha’s teachers Li Lanbang, and President Chen from CPAZ. The atmosphere around us was filled with excitement and anticipation while our team started to unbox the gift packs, and waited for the children to gradually fill up the hall. The ceremony began with a speech by CPAZ’s president Mr Chen, which was followed by Pingsha’s vice-principal Liao Xin, Pingsha’s Town Committee governor Mr Li Xiangxian. Last but not least, the founding CTC board member Mark Clayton also took to the stage accompanied by CTC’s co-organisers and fellow board members Andy Board, Paul Bailey, and Sunny Sui.
在参观了学校,体验了孩子们在学校的日常生活后,平沙的一位老师李兰邦和CPAZ(珠海市慈善促进会)的陈校长在大会堂迎接了我们。当我们的团队开始打开礼包,等待孩子们逐渐填满大厅时,我们周围的气氛充满了兴奋和期待。庆典仪式首先由CPAZ主席陈主席致欢迎辞,随后是平沙副校长廖鑫、平沙市委书记李相贤。最后但并非最不重要的是,CTC的创始董事Mark Clayton也在CTC的联合组织者和董事会成员Andy board, Paul Bailey和Sunny 隋的陪同下走上了舞台。
In his speech, Mark thanked those who have been supporting both the charity and Pingsha Experimental primary school, expressing his appreciation for the flourishing relationship between these two institutions. An abstract of Mark’s speech read: “This is CTC’s 7th year working alongside CPAZ to help improve the lives of those local students who need it most. We are extremely grateful to CPAZ and Pingsha for not only closely working with us for 7 years, but also for helping us grow as an organisation and expand our reach“.
Once all speeches had been made, it was time to give the children their gift packs. The children all lined up patiently, accepting their gift packs with a look of genuine gratitude.

Each gift pack contained a badminton set, a reading books set, notebooks, a pencil case, pens and pencils, a ruler set, and a water bottle. These were donated to 39 children attending grades 1-3 and 28 children attending grades 4-6 along with 1500 RMB cash per student amounting to a total of 96,000 RMB cash donated to those who most need it in the community. These gift packs help provide children from low income or single-parent families with the necessary equipment to continue pursuing their education, and make the most out of their learning experience. Most of these children and their families survive on one person’s income due to their parents’ disabilities or difficulty to find employment. Some of them are forced to live in even more unfortunate situations, such as living with a single grandparent who is out of employment or heavily sick single parents. Therefore, in many cases, these families solely rely on these gift packs and generous donations. CPAZ and CTC’s work is thus crucial to supporting these children in their development, providing them with a better chance in life and allowing them to benefit fully from their education.
CPAZ is an official civil society organisation, and together with CTC they are working on sponsoring students in the local area whose parents struggle to keep them in education or provide them with the necessary material. CPAZ’s mission is to promote social activism and public welfare, by operating several projects. Examples of this include the annual Come Together fundraiser, which will take place on the 7th of December this year, and Pingsha.CTC first teamed up with CPAZ in 2011, supporting around 500 children to date, and hoping to achieve more in the future thanks to the growing success of the annual Come Together Charity Music Festival. CTC is hopeful that the funds raised will give students between the age of 7 and 13 an opportunity to pursue a valid education that will allow them to find employment and be lifted out of poverty.
Everyone that came along were incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to meet the children directly affected by these donations. To be part of this supportive community was a blessing and reinforced the true importance and meaning of the work done by CTC and CPAZ.
Here are some of the thoughts the team shared:
“The visit to Pingsha is one of the highlights of my year, it’s eye-opening, it’s humbling, and it grounds us. It helps keep the focus on what and why we do what we do and the CTC couldn’t do it without the wider community, so thank you everyone”
Mark, CTC Founding Board Member | 马克,CTC创始董事
“Visiting Pingsha was a great opportunity to see exactly who benefits from Come Together and to see all our hard work come to life. We were able to get a sense of what really matters and why the charity is so important for those less fortunate”
Katie, CTC Intern | 凯蒂,CTC实习生
“Visiting Pingsha was a wonderful occasion. The best part of being involved in CTC are the days when you get to visit the beneficiaries of the funds our community works so hard to raise money for each year. “
Paul, CTC Board Member | 保罗,CTC董事会成员
“Such an amazing day, the innocent looks on these children’s faces with no expectation yet pure overwhelmed when they receive their gifts… thank you all to help support this wonderful charity – you guys rock… please help us again this year so once again these children get some brightness in their lives”
Andy, CTC Board Member | Andy,CTC董事会成员
“It was really nice to see the community come together over such an important cause and it really reinforced the reason behind ”
Rosalind, C2W Intern | Rosalind, 中西电子实习生
CTC is accepting corporate donations for this year’s 8th Annual Charity Music Festival, to be held in Zhuhai on Saturday December 7th. 100% of earnings are used to benefit the local community, and aid Children in need as none of CTC’s organisers take any salary or admin fees. If you’re interested in donating or helping out in any way, please contact info@ctcommunity.org or charity@china2west.com.
今年的第八届慈善音乐节将于12月7日(星期六)在珠海乐士文化区举行。当天所有收到的善款都用于当地社区,并帮助有需要的儿童, CTC的成员不收取任何工资或费用。如果你有兴趣捐赠或以任何方式提供帮助,请联系info@ctcommunity.org或charity@china2west.com。